The Assault Zone Management Course is the first step in the NATO Combat Control Pipeline. The course reaches all the required Mission Essential Tasks published in Annex A of the NATO SOFCOM Combat Controller Manual. All participants are required to be part of a NATO or approved partner nation SOF unit. RENI Aviation works together with Special Tactics Solutions Inc to bring CCT candidates a complete program from AZM up to surveying and establishing Landing Zones, Drop Zones, Helicopter Landing Zones and FARP or Forward Arming and Refueling Points. Price based on the chosen course package. Possibilities range from up to 40 flight hours with up to 4 different types of aircraft and mission sets including live parachute drops, live FARP and operations on semi-prepared and paved landing zones. The standard course includes 8 weeks use of RENI Aviation facilities in Belgium, computer based learning programs, classroom and practical executions in a professional aviation environment.
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